toimub Poolas 19.-22. september. Esimest korda on toimumas A.S.I. sommeljeedele aktiivne õpingute- ja treeningprogramm. Esimesena avaneb see võimalus Euroopa ja Aafrika liikmesmaadele. ESA juhatus peab oma kandidaadid esitama alates 11. juulist ning augusti alguses avalikustatakse valitud kandidaadid. ESA eelistab kindlasti aktiivseid sommeljeesi, kes osalevad Eesti Parim Sommeljee võistlustel ja kes plaanivad läbida tulevikus ASI Diploma eksamit. Uuri lisa all olevalt lingilt ja küsimuste korral palun pöördu Kristjan Markii poole e-postil: president@sommeljee.ee


on rahvusvaheline sommeljeede päev. ESA juhatus kutsub kõiki sommeljeesi üles sellel päeval postima enda tööst, ees olevast veinist või õpingutest sotsiaalmeedias pilte. Palume pildile lisada viited #sommeljee & #asisomms
ASI korraldab selle puhul Zoom ja Facebook keskkonnas vahva veebiürituse ja kutsume teid üles aktiivselt osalema.
Rohkem infot leiate all olevalt lingilt!

A.S.I. kuldsponsor Wineally otsib ambassadori Eestis.

Oled avatud ja innovaatiline, vein on Sinu pühendumus ja kirg ning soovid seda jagada teistega. Loe lisa all olevast Wineally tutvustusest ja ülekutsest ning huvi korral võta julgelt ühendust näidatud kontaktil.

About Wineally

ASI Gold partner Fine Wine Club International has developed Wineally, a consumer app/business system that will help restaurants, producers and wine merchants build sustainable businesses. By simple ways to increase revenues and cut costs Wineally will help restaurants not only survive the pandemic, but also recover and come out strong when the world gets back to (a new) normal.

Wineally has been developed by the Fine Wine Club International team, including well-known ASI sommeliers Arvid Rosengren and Sören Polonius.

Wineally’s new, innovative business system and the Wineally Ambassadorship offer solutions for ASI members that will not only help many sommeliers/restaurants survive the pandemic economy problems, but also build a strong, financially sustainable future for the sommelier profession.

Find information about the Wineally benefits for restaurants here and for you as a sommelier here.

Please find more information about Wineally in general at www.wineally.com

Wineally will organise a series of digital presentations for potential Wineally Ambassadors. So if you’re interested send Marie Von Ahm an email at marie.vonahm@wineally.com and she will get you signed up.


We are sending you an opportunity to generate more income, for what we consider may be of interest to you. (Estonian Sommelier Association (ESA) only acts as a link and is not responsible for any contracting)

Company Name: Wineally

Position to Cover: Brand Ambassador

Location: Estonia

Opportunity type: Details are coordinated with the person in charge of the area.

Tasks to be carried out: Wineally is looking for ambassadors in Slovakia to use Wineally as a tool to manage the sommelier role at multiple restaurants. Using Wineally, the sommelier will be able to expand his range of services to several restaurants and shops at the same time. They are looking for ambassadors throughout the country. Those interested should contact Wineally directly to coordinate details and a previous talk about the implications of this great opportunity.


– Member of Estonian Sommelier Association (ESA)

– Professional sommelier

If you are interested, you can send your CV to: marie.vonahm@wineally.com