Eesti Joogifestivali raames toimub huvitavaid töötubasid, loe lähemalt:
12th of November will be a day full of ideas, flavours and experiences. How can Baltic restaurant be interesting for foreign media and visitors? Think Hospitality will teach you. The Director of Media Relations and Special Events from the best restaurant in the Nordics, Geranium, will speak amongst other representatives from the restaurant media space. Belvedere and Prike present Mr Lyan (Dandelyan Bar and Cub Restaurant), the drinks guru from London. Coca-Cola will be offering innovative mocktails. Discover further flavours with Kotzebue Bakery (Tallinn), Restaurant Dill (Reykjavik) and Noblehart&Schmutzig (Berlin). The announcement of the best Baltic restaurants of 2019. Estonian Craft Drinks Festival. Estonian beer sommelier finals. Show barman competition. And more to be announced.