Estonian Sommelier Association (ESA)

Estonian Sommelier Association (ESA) was founded on the 11th of October 2000. ESA is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Association has now 105 members, plus representatives of the supporters and sponsors. ESA members are active in the field of selection of drinks, presentation, and serving.

ESA is A.S.I. member since 2002.  The A. S. I. has 45 member countries. Main activities are training and support, development and recognition of the sommelier profession.


13jaan(jaan 13)00:0023apr(apr 23)00:00Toitlustuskorralduse akadeemia XII(jaanuar 13) 00:00 - (aprill 23) 00:00 TalTech, Ehitajate tee 5

14jaan(jaan 14)09:0006mai(mai 6)16:00Kevadine baaskursus 2025(jaanuar 14) 09:00 - (mai 6) 16:00 ESE õppeklass, Masina 11, Tallinn

25jaan(jaan 25)09:0008juun(juun 8)16:00Kevadine sessioonõppe baaskursus 2025(jaanuar 25) 09:00 - (juuni 8) 16:00 ESE õppeklass, Masina 11, Tallinn

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13veeballdayalldayRethinking Education Online - February 13, 2025(Terve päev: neljapäev)

19veeb19:0023:00Marrone Barolo "Bussia" veinide vertikaalne degusteerimine ja õhtusöök19:00 - 23:00 LaCucina Di Orm Oja, Vene tn 4